Implementing EMU: Packaging EMU

In a future version, the EMU Client (as well as the Admin Client) will be packaged automatically as part of the installation process.  For now, packaging of the application is required.

As of version, the EMU Admin Client is installed automatically as part of the installation process.  You can launch it and use the Application Packaging feature of the EMU Admin Client to package up the Endpoint Management Utility MSI and plant the EMU Configuration file the Server Installer prepared for your environment as part of the install. 

More Information

  1. The EMU MSI can be found under the ClientApps directory within the EMU Server Installation directory (C:\Program Files\visuaFUSION\EMU Server\ClientApps by default).
  2. The Configuration File (EMU.config) generated for your environment can be found under the AppConfigs directory within the EMU Server Installation directory (C:\Program Files\visuaFUSION\EMU Server\AppConfigs by default).  This file needs to be placed within the "config" subdirectory of the EMU installation directory as part of the application installation.

Once EMU has been packaged, you can publish it with the EMU Admin Client, which will allow it to be deployed via EMU user's workstations (or handle your deployment manually some other way via ConfigMgr).  At this point, you should be ready for operational users to begin utilizing EMU in your environment.  For additional help, see the more help documentation page.