Information: Hostname

The Hostname field on the Information sub-feature of EMU's Computer Management tab allows the operator to view a target device's hostname.  In addition, if the user has been assigned Computer Managment permissions, they will have the ability to change the hostname, provided the target is online and reachable over the network.

To change a computer's hostname:

  1. Connect to a device using the connection bar
  2. Regardless of online status, the Hostname field will display results based on what is retrieved from Active Directory.
    Description Example
  3. Click the Hostname, this will open the change hostname dialog:
  4. Type the new hostname in the box, and click Apply.
  5. EMU will submit a job to the EMU Server to change the device's hostname.  This may take some time depending on Server Load and other factors.  A reboot will be triggered on the client once this occurs.


Other Notes:
After changing a hostname, the EMU server will delete the device from ConfigMgr + trigger discovery evaluation and hardware evaluation cycles on the device once it boots back up.  This is to avoid waiting on heartbeat discovery to update the old object, which would prevent things like application deployment via EMU to function properly.  Because of this process, it may take some time for deployments, etc. to show back up as the device drops back into various collections within your specicic environment.


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